Produse pentru mortar alb (13)

KEDOPLAN ZID - Mortar autonivelant pentru pereți interiori și exteriori gri și albi

KEDOPLAN ZID - Mortar autonivelant pentru pereți interiori și exteriori gri și albi

DÉFINITION TECHNIQUE Mortier de ragréage intérieur et extérieur des murs et plafonds. Existe en versions grise ou blanche. COMPOSITION ET ASPECT Mortier à base de ciment, de charges minérales et de résines. Pâte de couleur grise ou blanche. SUPPORTS ADMIS Maçonneries en briques et parpaings, béton, enduit ciment, béton cellulaire, carreaux de terre cuite. RECOUVREMENT KEDOPLAN MUR, après séchage complet, peut être recouvert par tous types de peintures, du carrelage, des mortiers de ciment et par des revêtements plastique épais. DOCUMENTS À CONSULTER Rapport d’essai CEBTP N° B252-7-385/2 : Evaluation des performances. Avis technique CSTB N°9/99-682. CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES • Granulométrie : jusqu’à 0,3 mm • pH : 12 • Temps d’utilisation de la gâchée : 3 à 4 heures • Densité de la poudre : 1,2 • Densité de la pâte : 1,6 CONDITIONNEMENTS Sacs de 25 kg sur palette houssée. STOCKAGE 6 mois en emballage d’origine non entamé à l’abri de l’humidité. P.V. CEBTP N° B...
Formarea capacelor

Formarea capacelor

In Silcep, ci occupiamo dello stampaggio di tappi, utilizzando tecnologie all'avanguardia per garantire precisione e qualità in ogni pezzo. Grazie ai nostri macchinari avanzati, realizziamo tappi in diversi materiali e formati, adattabili a varie applicazioni, in base alle esigenze specifiche dei clienti. Il nostro processo produttivo è flessibile e altamente efficiente, garantendo resistenza e funzionalità in ogni prodotto. Offriamo inoltre la possibilità di personalizzare i tappi per il private label, fornendo soluzioni complete e pronte per l'uso.
Dreptunghi alb

Dreptunghi alb

White oblong
Ciment - Ciment Alb, Ciment Gri, Mortar și Adeziv

Ciment - Ciment Alb, Ciment Gri, Mortar și Adeziv

Including White Cement, Grey Cement, Mortar and Adhesive
Calcar Alb

Calcar Alb

White Limestone Special pieces:30x15 cm


* It is applied in 2 cm thickness. * 1 package of product is 20 kg. 1.6-1.8 kg of product is required for 1 m2 area. * You can easily reach an application area of ​​12 m2 by using a 20 kg Multiyap and a 6 mm notched trowel. * By providing waterproofing, even if the joint fillings between the tiles deteriorate, water does not leak to the lower floor. * There is no need to make water isolation in bathroom applications. * Since it is a hydrophobic product, a single product provides both water isolation and a strong tile ceramic application with superior performance. * It is quite light. It reduces labor and transportation costs. * It is flexible and the working time is extended. * It has strong adhesion feature.
Zahăr cristalin alb

Zahăr cristalin alb

White crystalline sugar, without lumps, spots and foreign impurities. Sugar is sweet, without extraneous smell and taste. Sugar when dissolved is transparent, without insoluble sediment, mechanical and other impurities. NON GMO Mass fraction of moisture:0.08% Color in solution ICUMSA units:43.0 Mass fraction of sucrose, %:not less than 99.82%
Duze din ceramică

Duze din ceramică

Zubehör und Ersatzteile Wir liefern innovative Lösungen aus dem gesamten Strahltechnik-Bereich: • staubfrei arbeitende Strahlanlagen • Strahlkabinen und Strahlräume mit Saug-und Druckstrahlverfahren • Zubehör und Verbrauchsmaterial Unser Angebot ist so individuell wie Ihre Anforderungen, daher nehmen Sie bitte mit uns Kontakt auf. Wir beraten Sie gerne!
Glugă din fleece

Glugă din fleece

Produktdetails Barett eingefasster, latexfreier Gummizug Material Polypropylen-Spinnvlies luftdurchlässig, stabil, leicht ≈ 10 g/m² (± 3 g/m²)


MULTIYAP - Mortar Adesiv Ceramic Hidrofob cu Ciment Alb Adăugat

MULTIYAP - Mortar Adesiv Ceramic Hidrofob cu Ciment Alb Adăugat

* It is applied in 2 cm thickness. * 1 package of product is 20 kg. 1.6-1.8 kg of product is required for 1 m2 area. * You can easily reach an application area of ​​12 m2 by using a 20 kg Multiyap and a 6 mm notched trowel. * By providing waterproofing, even if the joint fillings between the tiles deteriorate, water does not leak to the lower floor. * There is no need to make water isolation in bathroom applications. * Since it is a hydrophobic product, a single product provides both water isolation and a strong tile ceramic application with superior performance. * It is quite light. It reduces labor and transportation costs. * It is flexible and the working time is extended. * It has strong adhesion feature.
Beton Alb Uscat HA25

Beton Alb Uscat HA25

Il s'agit d'un conglomérat d'agrégats de marbre et de ciment, ensaché à l'état sec afin que l'utilisateur, en le mélangeant avec l'eau indiquée, puisse obtenir un béton de masse, armé ou pré-contracté, de qualité adéquate et constante. Résistance à la compression:>25 N/mm2 Teneur minimale en ciment:275 Kg/mm2 Consistance du béton frais - tassement:60-90 mm Taille maximale des granulats:12 mm